Deviled Eggs: a Good Samefood

“Samefood? What’s a samefood?” That, my friend, was a question I had to look up myself for the answer. What I get is, that a samefood is a food eaten repeatedly for comfort. Sometimes, it is a need for taste or texture, sometimes a stim. Sometimes, it is even for a routine.

Now, I normally don’t eat deviled eggs in this fashion. This is a recent development. My mother sometimes eats hard boiled eggs. I decided to get fancy, and make deviled eggs. The recipe is simple: boil some eggs, scoop out the yolks, mix with mayonnaise, mustard and maybe sweet pickle relish, put mixture back in the whites, sprinkle with paprika, and enjoy. I only make and eat two whole eggs at a time, so these amounts are minimal. It’s actually so strange, my new samefood.

I wasn’t so fond of eggs in my childhood. As a matter of fact, I would only eat them scrambled for a long time. I could not stand the whites. They were wiggly and bland – two of the textures I hate the most. (Well, not “hate” – just have a aversion to.) I’ll admit it – I’m a spice lover. Anyway, Donnie Wahlberg thawed my aversion to whole eggs soon after that, and I’ve been okay. But now, deviled eggs have become a touchpoint of sanity. (I guess that’s the reason for being a samefood.) I don’t remember having many samefoods in my childhood – just aversions. I just asked my mother if I had any samefoods, and she said no. Perhaps this is a new development. I mean, people get new allergies every five years, maybe autistic people get new symptoms or methods of comfort. I feel that’s okay.